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360 Degree Servo Motor Using Stepper - Arduino

Hi Everyone,

I want to produce own servo motor using stepper motor because i need full rotational servo motor. This servo will allow clear tracking to my antenna tracker, i want to use it horizontal movement mechanism. For this mechanism we can think it our UAV moves in two dimensional coordinate plane which x-axis and y-axis.

If i want to completely track the UAV there shouldn't be any obstacle on my movement as both software and hardware. We can think our movement as a scanning the half sphere, for doing this we need two movement point i want to name it horizontal movement mechanism and vertical movement mechanism. For the full scanning  i can set horizontal movement mechanism to 0-360 degree and vertical movement mechanism 0-90 degrees. Or we can set them both 0-180 degree. In both side we can scan the area clearly.

I want to choose first one because in second one there are two critical point if i use. However i want to use it smoothly. At this position i have another problem. I should develop own servo motor because i need full rotation.

Here it is my solution :

Here the code :

#include <AFMotor.h>

AF_Stepper motor(200, 1);
int x =0;
int xold =0;

void setup() {
  motor.setSpeed(40);  // 10 rpm    
void loop() {
  int mutlak = abs(x-xold);
  if(x-xold >0 && mutlak <= 180)
  motor.step((x-xold)*5/9, FORWARD, SINGLE); 
  xold = x;
  if(x-xold <0 && mutlak <= 180)
  motor.step((mutlak)*5/9, BACKWARD, SINGLE); 
  xold = x;
 if(x-xold >0 && mutlak > 180)
  motor.step((xold+360-x)*5/9, BACKWARD, SINGLE); 
  xold = x;
  if(x-xold < 0 && mutlak > 180)
  motor.step((x+360-xold)*5/9, FORWARD, SINGLE); 
  xold = x;



  1. Really interesting. It's possible to control any 2 wire motor with a l298n, always in datasheet rules, just by timing and playing with power on ENA/ENB with analogWrite().

    But if you hack a servo to remove the limit of the gear, then remove the electronic board and re-solder the 2 wires, just leave the PWM wire unconnected but safe, you never know when you will need to add a temperature sensor with a regulated voltage lm5xx... ideas away, you will have a servo 360º with gear system and controlled with l298n, really powerful if you want just to roll in both senses, if you need precision that's your article, great work! I'll check if a need, atm I'm working as said ;)

  2. tracking system için nrf mi kullandın

  3. Keşke resimlerdeki yazılarıda ingilizce yapsaymışsın

  4. Just what I have been working on. Been trying to use a closed loop stepper MKS42 but having problems coding to it. I think I will give this a whirl (pun intended). I will need to put my positions in an array and trigger them with inputs to analog ports. Should work with DRV8825 driver as well. Thanks for the video.

  5. Forgot to ask, What is Mutlak?


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