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360 Degree Servo Motor Using Stepper - Arduino

Hi Everyone, I want to produce own servo motor using stepper motor because i need full rotational servo motor. This servo will allow clear tracking to my antenna tracker, i want to use it horizontal movement mechanism. For this mechanism we can think it our UAV moves in two dimensional coordinate plane which x-axis and y-axis. If i want to completely track the UAV there shouldn't be any obstacle on my movement as both software and hardware. We can think our movement as a scanning the half sphere, for doing this we need two movement point i want to name it horizontal movement mechanism and vertical movement mechanism. For the full scanning  i can set horizontal movement mechanism to 0-360 degree and vertical movement mechanism 0-90 degrees. Or we can set them both 0-180 degree. In both side we can scan the area clearly. I want to choose first one because in second one there are two critical point if i use. However i want to use it smoothly. At this position i have
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Servo Motor Controlling with Flex Sensors

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